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2021 Keep Going Up

Serra Nicole
3 min readFeb 9, 2021


Like an eerie spellbound scene, the United States appears to have began picking up its scattered pieces from life after Covid. At some point even uttering the word Covid may bring a spine tingling tale of survival, pain and loss. In this new desolate reality, we must remind ourselves that we are not alone with this new structure. Despite the setbacks, there are new victories to be won. There is a longing to open the chapter, an eagerness inside of us where we at once seemed to be at the bottom but now, the only way from here is up.

Let us take a look at a few of the positive directions that 2021 may bring us. First we have a stand being made by individuals were once silent, where the little man is realizing there are injustices unlike any other. Now more than ever, this generation of computer tech individuals have been shining, new leadership is taken its role. This will certainly dive into an inevitable reality of unification where there is not just a King but a country working together again.

Second there are executive orders being written that everyone will need to accept from this state of existence. There is a new president and we must respect the fact that according to the executive order disposition tables, there is good intent to be found. Which gives hope. Hope is the feeling of trust that had seemed to disappear.

Third, states are beginning to reopen, perhaps after more vaccine has been delivered to quite the majority and widespread immunity signals the return for more small businesses and the lives scrambled from closures. There are many who are eager to get back to life as it was before. Whether a vaccine is in your personal plan or not, it is a step to conquer.

Fourth, there are things to look forward to like the super bowl, Tokyo Olympics, and our common traditions. Also there have been proven methods of virtual technologies unlike anything before. Since being cornered, there have been waves of activities that can be done with in the home. This can lead to more independence as personal life has been proven to coexist with work.

Finally, there has been a point of awakening to the appreciation of one another. A realization that life is about more than making money and just working to exist. Our primal survival skills have taught us that we are still a force to be reckoned with and that we have what it takes to get through tough challenges.

Cheers to you for making it thus far in 2021. May the rest of your year bring you inspiration and successes. Your new strategies have proven to be unprecedented yet adaptable so feel free to tackle those goals and make them successful. Perhaps this is your big year and remember the only way is up. Stay positive and always believe in yourself. Congratulations to your new beginning.



Serra Nicole

I am a positive multipotentiality with an eagerness to love life, flourish spiritually & physically. Mother with a BA in Business Admin and Legal Studies.